Exterior photo of 切斯特顿’s, the campus pub at the University of Mary.


切斯特顿’s is the community center and “campus pub” located at The Cloisters, the University of Mary’s upperclassmen apartment complex. It’s an incredible place to study and socialize, 看电视, play pool and old-time video games, or just enjoy the view. 切斯特顿’s also hosts a weekly community night for all members! 切斯特顿’s features complimentary coffee and popcorn, snacks and soda, Wi-Fi, and printing. Members have 24/7 access to the main level of the community center.

Tap into the 社区

Three nights a week, 切斯特顿’s operates as our “campus pub,” offering concessions and beverages. 切斯特顿’s members who are of 法律 drinking age and who have completed the University of Mary alcohol training course are admitted to the community center to enjoy a limited food and beverage menu, as well as complimentary beer or wine. The Tolkien-themed beer 在利用, “Southfarthing Stout” and “Green Dragon Ale,” are locally brewed for 切斯特顿’s at Bismarck Brewing in Bismarck, ND.

Our Commitment to a Healthy Environment

The University of Mary is committed to educating students on the responsible and moral use of alcohol. Student members participate in thorough training, which includes cultural, 法律, and health perspectives. No alcohol is for sale. 而, as a benefit of membership, members are provided with up to two drinks (beer or wine) per evening without charge. Consumption is tracked by the MCard, and no one is allowed more than two drinks per night. No liquor is available. Those who bring alcohol of any kind into 切斯特顿’s will have their membership revoked.


切斯特顿’s is proudly named for G.K. 切斯特顿 (1874-1936), the English writer, literary critic, poet, and Catholic apologist. The design of 切斯特顿’s was inspired by The Eagle and the Child pub in Oxford, where J.R.R. 托尔金,C.S. Lewis, and the rest of 的暗示 used to gather for good cheer and conversation.

All University of Mary students can be members of 切斯特顿’s. All student members are required to take the university’s alcohol seminar, regardless of age.

会员 is programmed to your MCard, which is how members gain entrance to the facility. Just swipe your card at the front door.

There are two student levels of membership at the community center.

  • 常驻会员: Residents of The Cloisters, 博伊尔, and Deichert halls.
  • Associate 会员: University of Mary students who do not live in The Cloisters, 博伊尔, or Deichert halls are granted membership if they are enrolled in Commuter Block Plan 50, 总平面图75, 大楼平面图150, 总平面图250, or Diamond meal plans.

University of Mary faculty and staff may also choose to become members by enrolling in an active meal plan. Additionally, Sisters of Annunciation Monastery are all granted membership to 切斯特顿’s.

Student members are provided with two guest passes per semester for use during these hours. 客人 cannot be current University of Mary students and must provide proof of 法律 age. One-time guest passes are available for purchase at the 书店 in the Lumen Vitae University Center and at 切斯特顿的 for $10 each.

秋天 & 春天

Thursday: 4:30 - 11 pm
星期五 & 星期六:晚上7点至11点



Hours and offerings are subject to change.


爆米花 免费的
芯片 & 萨尔萨舞 $3
芯片,莎莎舞 & 鳄梨色拉酱 $4
当地的腊肠 $5
加载烤干酪辣味玉米片 $6(饲料1)
个人披萨 (Cheese or Pepperoni) $7
14"披萨(Cheese, Pepperoni, or Supreme) $18
加载烤干酪辣味玉米片 with onion, jalapeños, olives, cheddar cheese, sour cream, guacamole, salsa $15(饲料3)


Gourmet Non-Alcoholic 饮料s  $1
洛大 & 巴力曼烈性黑啤酒 在利用  
Athletic Brewing (N.A.一瓶一瓶地  
红色的 & 白葡萄酒 在玻璃旁  
Monthly beer and wine specials  


The lower-level meeting room may also be reserved by campus organizations for meetings and events. The main level of 切斯特顿’s serves as the primary community space for the students who live in 博伊尔, Deichert, 蒙特卡西诺, 和Subiaco. Therefore, this space will generally not be available for meetings or events. Special events will be considered on a case-by-case basis and require the approval of the Vice President for Public Affairs.